Briarcliffe Homeowner's Association
Bylaws & Covenants
Briarcliffe Estates Homeowners Association
Rules & Regulations
(January, 2021)
We, the HOA board, in an effort to meet the needs of all of the residents of Briarcliffe Estates, have compiled and adopted a new list of rules and regulations to be added to the bylaws. All homeowners and residents are legally bound by the Briarcliffe Estates covenants, restrictions, and bylaws. These three documents are the key to maintaining property values in our neighborhood.
• Nuisance/Unsightly Premises
All owners and residents are responsible for keeping their property clean, tidy and in
good repair. Appliances, furniture, tires, building materials, non-running vehicles,
etc. are not to be stored where visible from the road.
• Automobile Repair, etc.
Automobile repairs are not allowed in HOA common areas. For the purpose of this section, “automobile repair” includes, but is not limited to, changing oil and oil filters, repairing exterior body damage and overhauling of engine, transmission or internal mechanical parts to any automobile, boat, motor, trailer, or any recreational vehicle. Owners may not engage in vehicle repairs as a business in the neighborhood.
• Recreation Vehicles, Boats & Trailers
Recreational vehicles, boats and trailers are not allowed to be stored in the driveway or on the street. Boats and trailers should be stored behind your residence. If access to the rear of your residence is limited, boats and trailers can be stored on the side of your home, not to extend beyond the front of the home.
• Noxious Activity
Noxious or offensive activity – an activity that unreasonably interferes with the use or quiet enjoyment by another resident of their separate interest or exclusive use area.
Owners and residents shall not partake in any noxious or offensive activity; nor shall they allow their guests to partake in such. Examples include but are not limited to: loud music, barking/unleashed dogs, loud vehicles, fireworks after 10pm. (In compliance with Richland County noise ordinances).
• Parking
Vehicles should not be parked directly across from another driveway so as to obstruct others access to their own driveway. Avoid parking in the street when possible.
• Pets
Pets must be kept on a leash when not contained in or on owner’s property. The pet owner is responsible for any incident or damage caused by their pet on or off their property. The pet owner is responsible for cleaning up after their pet off their property and disposing of waste in appropriate containers.
• Rental
No property shall be leased for a period of less than 90 days. Only the entire property may be leased for the rental period.
• Speeding
No speeding. All traffic signs and speed limits must be adhered to at all times.
• Trash
Garbage pick-up is every Tuesday. Recycling bin (lime green) pick up is every other Friday. When container(s) are not at the street to be dumped, they are required to be removed from the curb.
Organic trash (branches, bushes, grass clippings) is picked up on Wednesdays. Do not place this debris close to a storm drain. Once the debris is taken, please clean your area.
Enforcement Procedure
(Rules, Regulations, Covenants, and By-law Enforcement)
In keeping with the mission of enhancing property values, the Briarcliffe Estates HOA board requests full compliance by all owners. The following enforcement procedures are in place for non-compliant owners.
Violation of any listed rules and/or regulations will result in a fine after three (3) violation letters (billed to your annual dues account) set forth by the Board of Directors.
1st notice: *1st warning*
Letter to owner/resident
2nd notice: *2nd warning*
(after 30 days of non-compliance)
Letter to owner/resident with final date to become compliant or submit an appeal to avoid fines
3rd notice: *after final compliant date*
(does not apply to those who have already scheduled repairs OR those waiting on a response to an appeal)
Letter to owner/resident issuing $25 fine
If corrective action is not taken by owner after 30 days of final compliant date, The Board reserves the right to take corrective action at owner expense.
Appeals may be made in writing to The Board for hardship and/or extenuating circumstances.
Due to the nature of some offenses, the Board reserves the right to exercise discretion in an effort to uphold spirit and intent.
The real property affected by these By-Laws encompasses all those certain pieces, parcels or lots of land situate, lying and being in Richland County near Pontiac, South Carolina, being shown and designated on the following plats:
Plat Book X, Page 1583 & 1583A - Acreage for Cooper Investment, Inc.
Plat Book X, Page 2099 & 2099A- Acreage for Cooper Land & Timber Co., Inc.
Plat Book X, Page 3383 & 3383A- Briarcliffe Estates- Section I-A.
Plat Book X, Page 4915 & 4915A- Briarclifte Estates- Section 1-B.
Plat Book Y, Page 2782 & 2782A- Briarclifie Estates- Section I-A.
Plat BookY, Page 6642- Briarcliffe Estates- Section II-A.
Plat BookY, Page 7360- Briarcliffe Estates- Section II-A.
Plat BookY, Page 7425 Briarclitie Estates- Section II-A.
Plat Book Z, Page 170- Briarcliffe Estates- Section I-A.
Plat Book Z, Page 5495- Briarcliffe Estates- Section II-B.
Plat Book Z, Page 7928 Briarcliffe Estates- Section II-B.
Plat Book 50, Page 6258 Briarcliffe Estates -33.90 Ac. (future Phase II-C.)
Plat Book 50, Page 6770- Briarcliffe Estates -Phase II-C.
Plat Book 52, Page 3051 - Briarcliffe Estates -Phase III Section "A"
Plat Book 52, Page 3062 Briarcliffe Estates- Force Main Easement
Plat Book 52, Page 6211 Briarcliffe Estates -Phase III Section "A"
Plat Book 53, Page 2796 Briarcliffe Estates -Phase III-B
Plat Book 53, Page 4925- Briarcliffe Estates- Phase III-B
Plat Book 54, Page 1822 Briarcliffe Estates -Phase III -C
Plat Book 57, Page 43 - Briarcliffe Estates -Phase IV (Boundary Plat)
Plat Book 57, Page 1015 - Briarcliffe Estates -Phase 4
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